About Us

pet food bd

Our Story

A reliable destination for all pet food and accessories. Our premier online platform offers a wide range of pet food and supplies, ensuring the health and happiness of pets across the country. Our goal is to become the largest market capper of a quickly extending pet food market in Bangladesh

We are already involved in the product, distribution, digital marketing and services industry and ready to expand our horizon beyond that. We are also entering into the Renewable Energy industry, and the negotiation is going on with a renowned Chinese company.

Moreover, We are open to start new businesses to grow our company specially in the domain of medical tourism, education consultancy etc.


Your trusted source of Pet Food, Accessories and other supplies.

For any business inquiries or bulk orders for your shop, please contact us via phone, email, or WhatsApp:

Phone: 01975-955911, 01975-955911

Email: petfoodbdquery@gmail.com

WhatsApp: +880 1979-955911

Pet Food BD





Uttara, Dhaka, Bangladesh


Saturday to Thursday

11:00am – 7:00pm

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